As a businessman we can go through very turbulent periods in our lives, business and/or personal. At those times when we might trust no one...Yet God may provide us with a brother, or you may be the brother, called to take the time to build a relationship of trust based on genuine care. It’s a process that is called life-on-life discipleship. During this process CBMC provides a study called Operation Timothy. It can plant a seed in someone’s life that can change them for eternity. It can lead someone to a relationship with Jesus Christ and start them on a journey of spiritual growth.  


  Discipleship to Jesus Christ is a process that was born the moment Jesus selected His first followers.  As He walked along the Sea of Galilee inviting men to "follow me and I will make you fishers of men," he was actively engaged in discipleship. They spent time together, laughed, cried, and learned timeless truths together from the ordinary occurrences of daily life as well as from instruction. They did life together.  


 Discipleship must have been extremely important to Jesus, because it was the last thing He discussed with his closest friends before He ascended into heaven. We call it the Great Commission. The heart of Matt. 28:18-20 is that we are to be in the process of making disciples wherever we are, whatever we do.


Discipleship has been defined as the intentional process of teaching and encouraging a person to be an obedient, passionate, intimate, loving disciple of Christ. It has been described as helping another grow spiritually in the context of relationship that leads to the discipleship of others.

Bottom Line: We call it spiritual reproduction or multiplication.